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AI-enabled aneurysm measurement tool to calculate the volume and surface area of unruptured intracranial aneurysms

"Volumetric AI-driven measurement clearly represents the future of aneurysm management. The paper highlights the power of this extraordinary tool and what it might mean...
RapidAI Editorial Team | October 10, 2022
Christine J. Buckley | September 17, 2021

Brain aneurysm: Things you need to know

A brain aneurysm is a weak or thin spot that occurs in the blood vessel wall, causing it to balloon out and fill with blood. An estimated 1 in 50...
Dr. Philip R. Delio | August 19, 2021

Rapid ASPECTS aids non-neuroradiologists and improves ASPECT scoring

A recent study my colleagues and I conducted showed that Rapid ASPECTS can help non-neuroradiologists by significantly improving their ASPECT scoring...
Miranda Shaw | July 15, 2021

Transforming diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary embolism

Given the range of symptoms that present when a patient has a sudden blockage of one or more pulmonary arteries, quickly diagnosing and treating...
Krithika Muthukumaran | June 21, 2021

Adding Tmax parameter improves distal vessel occlusion diagnosis on CTA

A retrospective study showed that adding Tmax parameter and providing Tmax maps using Rapid CTP software facilitates detection of distal vessel...