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AI-enabled aneurysm measurement tool to calculate the volume and surface area of unruptured intracranial aneurysms

"Volumetric AI-driven measurement clearly represents the future of aneurysm management. The paper highlights the power of this extraordinary tool and what it might mean...
RapidAI Editorial Team | October 10, 2022
RapidAI Editorial Team | July 19, 2022

Perfusion imaging to select basilar artery occlusion patients eligible for EVT

In the last decade, several randomized clinical trials demonstrated the role of CT perfusion (CTP) in evaluating anterior circulation large vessel...
Renato Cunha | July 7, 2022

How AI Is Helping Expand Endovascular Thrombectomy Treatment in South America

Portugués | Español The last decade has brought significant advances in imaging technologies and endovascular thrombectomy (EVT) devices used to...
RapidAI Editorial Team | May 31, 2022

How Having a VTE Coordinator Can Improve Workflow for PE Teams

Most hospitals in the United States have a care pathway for stroke patients, but this is not the case for patients presenting with venous...
RapidAI Editorial Team | April 22, 2022

AI and Pediatric Arterial Ischemic Stroke

A retrospective, observational, clinical cohort study conducted by Melissa J Visser and co-authors showed that it is feasible to use Rapid’s...