

You're Invited!

You'll be inspired by physicians and panel members who will share:

  • Key learnings from the ASC and RapidAI initiative.

  • How clinical AI and care collaboration bring specialist-level care to rural communities.

  • Case studies showing the positive impact of technology on diagnosis and transfer decisions.

Join the conversation.

Have a case study you'd like to share at the event? Download the template here, fill it out and send it to summercoffey@ischemaview.com. We'll handle the rest.


RSVP and Book Hotel


Meet Your Event Hosts

Together with other industry leaders, they'll provide an evening of engaging conversation on enhancing stroke care in Alaska.

Greg Albers, MD

Stanford Stroke Center

Greg Albers 0046-R1_200x200



Lucy He, MD, FAANS

Anchorage Neurosurgical Associates




  • 5:00 pm: Welcome reception
  • 6:15 pm: Opening remarks: Carolina Maier
  • 6:30 pm: RapidAI: Past, Present and Future: Dr. Greg Albers
  • 7:00 pm: What We’ve Learned about the Impact of Clinical AI in Alaska Stroke Care: Dr. Lucy He
  • 8:05 pm: AI & Collaboration in Action: Dr. Brian Trimble
  • 8:40 pm: Pre and Post Implementation of RapidAI: Stroke Coordinator panel discussion
  • 9:15 pm: Q&A & Closing remarks